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Life Kids
Times & Locations
Sunday | 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am
Here at Life Church we value our kids! In our classrooms, our children will experience genuine love and care from their teachers, their classmates, and especially the Lord. We hope that what they experience here in Life Kids will prove to be a strong foundation for their lives in the Lord. Each Sunday there will be worship, bible teaching, memory verses, and, most of all, a whole lot of fun! Our kiddos adore Life Kids and we know yours will, too!
Life Kids Classes are as follows:
Nursery: 0-2 years old
Pre-K: 3-5 year olds
Elementary: Kindergarten through second grade
Tweens: 3rd-5th grades
Heidi Wills
Life Kids Director
Lana Leahey
Tweens Pastor
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